Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Four Year Old Twins Rock!

These shirts were made by me (with a lot of help from Dean) last night. The boys will be wearing them all week. They got to wear them to preschool today, MOPS tomorrow, then our family birthday party on Saturday. I cannot believe they will be four years old tomorrow! I am so thankful God gave them to us!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The 'Ment Truck

This was our conversation in the car yesterday...

Devin: "look mom a 'ment truck!"

Mom: "yes Devin. I see the cement truck. Where do they take cement?"

Devin: "in your mouth"

Mom: "cement in your mouth? like they used for Noah's braces?"

Dalton: "no mom. like the round mints in your purse."

Mom: "oh a mint truck!"

Devin and Dalton: "YES!"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Fire Department

Our MOPS group got to tour the Greenfield Fire Department today. The boys had a great time getting to see the fire trucks and hanging out with friends. There was a lawn mower and a "gator" parked in the garage. They were the most popular items with some of the kids!

Friday, April 3, 2009

I am......

This was totally copied from Cindy. I love reading her blog, and thought this was great inspiration for a Denise update!

Reading...the newest Karen Kingsbury "Take One" and trying (really hard!) to finish "Breaking Dawn".
Licking...the organic lollipops I found at Trader Joes…pomegranate is my fav!

Loving...the warm weather and green grass.
the book, "That’s My Son", by Rick Johnson. I am leading a study this summer for my fellow MOPS moms.
Praying...for my strong-willed child.
Bragging…on my eight year old who is spending his spring break in Kentucky with Crossroads Mission.
Eyeing...all the adorable spring clothes everytime I go shopping.
Planning...Easter dinner at my house for 20 people!
Recognizing...that I may be just a wee bit addicted to Facebook.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fair Oaks Farm

My sister and I were brave and took our kids to the Fair Oaks Farm on Tuesday. It was a fun adventure for all of us. We got to see lots of cows (big and small), and the highlight of the day was watching the birth of a little heifer. We were glad it was a girl, so she will get to stay at the farm and become a dairy cow one day.