Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are You Ready For Some Football?

I cannot believe Noah is playing tackle foot ball this fall! He is very excited about his first game on Saturday. Go Hoosiers!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rain Rain Rain

It rained A LOT here in Indiana today! Ironically, it was also the release of the new VeggieTales movie "Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella". So the boys and I took a trek to the bookstore in the monsoon! I had promised them the movie for good behavior. And my Noah was so excited to finally have a VeggieTale movie named after him! As luck would have it, you got a free umbrella with purchase. This came in very handy!

When we got home, we saw this in our backyard. Steve and the boys are out repairing our fence as I type.

What do we do on a rainy day? You guessed it. Wrap up in blankets and watch a good movie!