Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Addicted to Valentine's Day crafts!!

So I am pretty much addicted to making crafts for Valentine's Day. It could be the bitter cold and foot of snow in our yard that is making me want to make stuff. Or it could be that I spend way to much time looking at craft blogs. Or it could be that I want to totally redo my master bedroom and instead of focusing on that, I am worried about February decorations! Anyways, I found this website and now have a list of things I want to make. I started with their snowflakes...
I cannot remember which blog I saw this on, but after finding this pepto bismol pink frame at Goodwill for $1.99, I knew I had to make it!
And lastly, this idea came from How Does She?
What's next?!? Maybe this.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

100 DaYs!!

Tomorrow is the 100 Days of School celebration for my two kindergartners! And in true Evanoff fashion they are each celebrating by taking 100 pieces of candy to school.
100 Starbursts.
And 100 Tootsie Rolls (or just Tootsies. that's what we call them).

I wonder how many pieces of candy they will come home with?!?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


After my last post about all the things I didn't do, I decided to touch on a few things we did do over the Christmas season.
We had a very electronic Christmas. If only they always played this quietly. And I love how kind Noah is helping his little brother!
I made my traditional Christmas morning pine tree french toast.
We burned our Advent candle and got through (most of) our scripture readings every day.
We ate all of our chocolate advent calendar (can't miss a single day of that)!
We consumed Frosty the cheeseball that my sister made for Christmas evening. I think this will be added to our list of traditions!

So what's next for us......well I want to make these and this and try this yumminess. I'll let you know how it goes!