I became a mom 3 different ways...all unique and amazing stories. I have a grown daughter and three teenage boys! I am an OR nurse by day & sports mom on evenings, nights, and weekends. I am also Glammy to 2 precious baby girls! I'm doing my best to embrace and enjoy the current season of life without thinking too much about the past or worrying about the future. One thing I know for sure, the seasons are always changing!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The one in which my husband calls Kirk Cameron "Dude"!

Thursday, May 19, 2011
gogo's crazy bones

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My 200th Post!!
1. I dislike humidity.
2. Humidity makes me grouchy!
3. I live in the Midwest-it is very humid here in the summer.
4. I just graduated from MOPS.
5. My kids get out of school May 26th.
6. My kids cannot wait for school to end.
7. I wish summer break was shorter!
8. I don’t know what we are going to do this summer.
9. I need to start planning summer activities.
10. I have read 26 books so far this year.
11. I love, love, love to read.
12. I wish I could get paid to read.
13. I would be a wealthy girl if I did.
14. I would rather read than clean or cook.
15. My house is picked up, but not spotless.
16. My favorite TV show right now is THE MIDDLE.
17. I am starting a book study on prayer tomorrow.
18. For Mother’s Day, I got a gift certificate for a mani, pedi, & facial.
19. We are going to Myrtle Beach this summer.
20. I walked a half marathon last year.
21. I plan to register for another half marathon this fall.
22. I am going to train better this year and hopefully beat my last time.
23. I need to buy new sheets for our bed.
24. I need to drink more water & less diet pop!
25. I was one of those moms who said we would NEVER have a trampoline.
26. We are on our third trampoline.
27. I’ve learned to never say never!
28. I love to swing and ride bikes.
29. We just adopted 2 gerbils.
30. My sister and I have big plans to get our craft on next year while our kids are in school.
31. My new favorite word is HORMOTIONAL (hormones + emotional = hormotional)
32. Kids tend to gather in our back yard.
33. I just watched the movie Back-Up Plan. It was good!
34. I want my haircut & colored like Anita Renfroe.
35. Her song In the Muthahood cracks me up!
36. I love to meet authors!
37. I want to go on a cruise for my 40th birthday (August 5th, 2014)!
38. I wished I blogged more often,
39. I often have really, really good intentions, but poor follow-through!
40. I love entering contests!
41. My boys never pick up their Legos.
42. I hate when I step on little tiny Lego pieces. They hurt!
43. I hate putting laundry away. I would much rather wash, dry, and fold!
44. I love to be outdoors (as long as it’s not humid).
45. I love getting a summer tan.
46. I am a nurse and know tans are not healthy!
47. I think everyone looks better with a little color.
48. In January, everyone gets pasty white in Indiana.
49. In February, I sometimes go to the tanning bed.
50. I am a nurse and know tanning beds are not healthy.
51. I love going to Goodwill.
52. I try to go once a week and check out their new stuff.
53. I have bought 2 pairs of shoes (I wear sz 11-hard to find!) for myself there.
54. Danskos are my favorite shoes ever. Maybe one day I will find a pair at Goodwill!
55. I do not use credit cards.
56. Dave Ramsey is my hero.
57. My husband got to meet Dave Ramsey; I did not!
58. My favorite season in fall.
59. Last year we planted a garden; the weeds took over.
60. We are not planting a garden this year!
61. I review books for 3 different publishers.
62. We have lived in our house for almost 6 years.
63. I don’t know what’s for dinner yet.
64. My favorite color is green.
65. I really need to re-do my master bedroom.
66. It’s the only room exactly the same since we moved into our house.
67. I am a minimalist when it comes to decorations.
68. I love couponing.
69. But I am not an extreme couponer!
70. I’ve never paid a couple dollars for 3 carts full of groceries.
71. I love Paper Back Swap!
72. I’ve saved $175.50 using Paper Back Swap!
73. I rarely buy a book. I’d much rather borrow or rent from the library!
74. I could talk about books for hours with anyone.
75. I am going to see Kirk Cameron speak in a few weeks.
76. I want to buy a new pair of Birkenstocks now that the weather is warm.
77. I am an excellent speller.
78. I would love to go back to Hawaii.
79. I love fountain drinks from the gas station.
80. My kids drive me crazy some days.
81. Some days I forget how old I am and have to do the math in my head.
82. Birthdays are really not that exciting to me.
83. I love a big salad better than any meal!
84. I am working on praying more and better.
85. I do not miss studying. I don’t know what I would do if I still had to take exams!
86. I want to collect sea glass. It intrigues me!
87. I wish we had a Chick-Fil-A in our town.
88. I would go there a lot if we did.
89. I enjoy riding on the back of my husband’s motorcycle.
90. I have never driven a motorcycle and have no desire to.
91. I would love to be a camp nurse for the summer.
92. If my boys are outside, their shirts are usually off.
93. I yell “shut the door” at least 50 times a day.
94. We have one dog. A labradoodle named Dash.
95. I love sitting outside and reading books.
96. I do not know how to sew.
97. I love getting packages in the mail.
98. Doing homework with the kids is never fun!
99. Some of my nicknames are Gert, Domo, & Aunt D.
100.If you read through this entire list, I love you!!
And if you're not bored yet, you can read my original 100 things about me.