Is is HOT here in Indiana. We have been in the 90's for days and have not had rain in 24 days. Makes me thankful I didn't plant a garden this year! Today it got in the 100's. I haven't heard the official high, but it is HOTT for sure. With all this hot weather, it's hard to keep boys entertained. Here is what we've been doing.
Moose got to go to soccer camp in the record heat. It was from 5:30 to 7:00 pm for four days. He did great and learned a lot about soccer.
We are also getting ready for a big barn wedding this Saturday. Megan is getting married at the Riley Party Barn in Anderson. We have been getting our boots shined and our western shirts ironed. It's going to be a lot of fun!
We have also gone swimming every day that I am home. We have great friends who let us use their pool anytime we want. It is such a blessing to be able to swim on these HOT days. The boys are excellent swimmers and we all have rocking tans. We will look great in the wedding pictures on Saturday.
If all else fails and it is too HOT to go outside, there are always LEGOS to play with. I love seeing their creations. This has taken up permanent residence on our dining room table. Which is okay because I haven't been cooking very much. I don't know what it is about summer, but I have a hard time planning meals and cooking! We have eaten a lot of corn dogs, mac & cheese, and Lunchables here lately. Guess the boys will have to wait for a healthy meal until August 1st when school starts and they can get the cafeteria lunch tray.