Monday, April 29, 2013

April has Flown by!!

I cannot believe it is almost May!  Here is my life in pictures the last month.  I was telling my husband April is our new December.  We celebrated lots of birthdays this month!

I was cleaning out the car the other day and could not believe how much Colorado dirt my van brought home.  Megan lives down a very long windy dirt road, so I am sure this was the source.  I don't want to clean it off...such good memories of our Spring Break trip!

Noah turned 12 years old on March 30th, and we had his birthday party sometime this month.  I always feel bad for him because his birthday always falls on Spring Break.  This year it was Spring Break and the day before Easter!  He chose to take some friends to skyzone (am indoor trampoline place) and had a blast!!

When we got home from skyzone, they immediately all got on our backyard trampoline and went crazy.  This was the best picture I got of them.  They really are a great group of kids!

We also got some chickens this month.  We meaning my husband and some friends of ours. The chickens are not at our house (we live in the city limits)!  Some friends have a little farmhouse complete with a chicken coop.  So we are hoping to share some farm fresh eggs with them.  They also planted a big garden which I went and weeded this weekend!

 We also celebrated two boys turning 8 on April 22nd.  I love that my twins are eight now.  They just seem so grown up all of a sudden.  They both requested peanut butter frosting for their cakes.  Moose had a white cake and Devin had a chocolate one.  They were both very yummy!

One little boy would not hold still for me to take a picture.  He kept ducking under the table.

And one little boy would hold still, but not look at the camera!  Oh well, I tried!

Their friends had to take a group photo on the trampoline also.  I love the muscles! 

Lastly I discovered this new Cinnamon Roll Crunch cereal at Kroger this week.  I am going back to get every box they have left.  My kids love peanut butter crunch and cinnamon toast crunch, and this cereal is the perfect combination of the two!  Delicious!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April pictures

It seems like I am way behind on lots of stuff, including blogging.  The kids only have seven and a half weeks of school left.  Then I will will get way behind on lots more stuff.  Oh well.  Here's what's happening around here.

Noah decided to have a donut eating contest on the morning of his birthday.  The neighbor boy tagged along with us.  I think he made it through two (maybe three) donuts.  He does not have the Uncle Si donut eating gene!

I got to go to a Indiana Pacers game with Noah.  He got six home game tickets for Christmas and Steve took him to the other five games.  It was a fun night out in Indy.  We ate at Buffalo Wild Wings before the game.  It was a fun night even though the Pacers lost to the OKC Thunder!

I found this Duck Dynasty shirt on the Walmart clearance rack.  Even though it's a St. Partick's Day shirt, my boys both wore it to school last week.  They only had one of them, so I made the twins share it.

 I have really been trying to clean, purge, and organize the house.  These are all books I am going to get rid of!  I love books, so getting rid of these is a big deal.  I am going to try Half-Price Books and see how much (or how little) money I can make.  Then I can buy more books!

And lastly this is what Devin had for dessert last night.  He doesn't like vanilla ice cream, which is the only kind we have right now.  So he said he just wanted a bowl of chocolate syrup.  I didn't think he would really eat it, but he did and came back for more.  Who can say no to that adorable face?!?

The bus just dropped off the crazies, so I'm off to do homework and reading bag!  Good times.