Where have I been the last two weeks? Well, now that the boys are home all day every day, I am way busy. It seems like we are constantly going from one place to another. They go back to school on July 31st, so we are trying to cram in as much as possible!! Here are seven very random things that have happened the last two weeks.
1. My oldest son took $160 with him to our public pool. He put his wallet in his backpack in an unlocked locker. When he went to get some money to buy a snack, his money was gone! He called my husband (knowing I would freak out on him), and they told me after the fact. Poor guy learned a lesson the hard way.
2. I decided I was tired of taking care of my oldest son's bearded dragon, and he had zero interest in it. So I listed it on Craigslist and sold it in less than a day! No more cutting up broccoli and buying berries for the beardie. Last summer I sold our gerbils, this summer the bearded dragon. I told my kids they may get sold next summer!
3. My youngest son got a clean bill of health from his surgeon. He can now go back to normal activities and baseball. Yahoo!
4. I have decided I am going to pronounce July differently. I am going to start saying
Jew ly instead of Ju ly. A friend of mine from work says it that way and so does Luke Bryan in his song Drunk on You. I'll see if it catches on!
5. I am going to see Luke Bryan in concert on July (said Jew ly) 21st! I am going to one concert this summer, and am very excited to see him perform live!
6. It is our local 4H fair this week. We went on Friday night and I found a 20 dollar bill on the ground. I was pretty sure my son had lost it (see #1), but it turned out he kept track of his money that night. So I came home with $20 after spending $80 on rides and food. Fairs are expensive!!
7. I have been making broccoli salad like crazy with fresh broccoli from our garden. It is so good!! I could so easily be a vegetarian if I didn't have four boys/men in my house who expect real food on a regular basis!