Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Time Flies!

Where do I begin?!?  School has been in session for almost 3 weeks now, and I feel like we are still not "in the groove".  This year is a little different due to bus schedule changes, fall sports {football}, and countless other things we have going on!

Megan and Garret came for a visit the first week of August.  A week seems like a long time for a visit until it's over.  The boys LOVE having them here {I do too!}.  All they can talk about is when we are going to Colorado to see them.  We celebrated my birthday at Red Lobster with my parents while they were here.  And this is the ONLY picture I got of them.  I had big plans to get some cute pictures of the whole family, but failed!

I officially have a junior higher!  He is doing great so far at his new school.  He is a very social kid, so meeting new people and teachers is not hard for him.  He decided to try football this fall {he hasn't played for 4 years}, so I am proud of him for sticking with it even though he is not a starter.

I am the unofficial team cookie mom.  I told him I would make cookies for his team every game.  So here is the first round of cookies that got consumed in a matter of minutes.  Next game I have to make more!  The things I do for my kids.

Our garden is slowly coming to an end.  I have been making a lot of zucchini muffins.  We also have tomatoes, corn, and pumpkins which need to be picked.  Keeping up with everything is a lot of work!

 We are trying not to eat out for a month.  This was our last meal on Sunday at Wendys.  It really wasn't very good.  So if we can make it for four weeks without eating out, it will be a miracle.  

I turned 39 this month.  I am okay being 39, just not excited about my birthday next year.  I may just have to skip it, or think of something really fun to do in 2014!

If you didn't watch the Duck Dynasty Season 4 premiere, then you are crazy!  I was so excited to watch it and love the show even more than ever.  And if I can't convince you to watch it, you should read this article by one of my favorite authors, Kathi Lipp!