Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Where did August go?

I always have grand hopes of getting so much stuff done after school starts.  The boys have been in school for almost a month now, and I wonder what I've been doing with all my free time?!?  The school day sure goes fast for me.....way too fast.  Although anyone actually in school would probably disagree with me.  So here's a quick look at some things that have been going on around here.

I found out that Chips Ahoy! and my birthday are one day apart.  Who knew?!?  I turned 40 this year and it was very uneventful.  It's almost like I didn't even get older which I am totally fine with.  I did decide (not on my birthday) to paint doors around the house.  The two doors below are the pantry which get opened and closed a lot!  It's amazing what a coat of paint can do (door on the left).  They look really good now and hopefully I can keep them looking that way for a while.
I planted some sunflower seeds in early spring, and when they popped up, I really didn't think they would produce flowers.  Glad I was wrong!  These little seeds made some gorgeous flowers that I have enjoyed looking at the last few weeks.

This is a random picture of my fourth grade twin boys from meet the teacher night.  Yes, my nine year old twin boys are small...small enough to fit in their lockers!  Thankfully they have not gotten shoved in their lockers by anyone.  Fourth grade has been a BIG adjustment for these two.  They have more than one teacher, change classrooms, have lockers, are getting actual letter grade (as opposed to checks and smiley faces), and are in a new school with lots of new kids.  We are slowly getting into the groove and have made some progress...thankfully!

And lastly because I have to always have something to take care of, this sweet boy went and got bit by something.  We still don't know what it was that bit him, but he had a swollen nose and eye for a day, then hives all over his body the next day.  I gave him benadryl two days in a row, and thankfully he returned to his normal hyper puppy self.
Now that it's almost September we are looking forward to our two week fall break in October, then it will be Boo Boo!  Gobble Gobble!  Ho Ho!  Happy New Year!  And then it will be baby time!!!  My daughter Megan and her husband Garret are having a baby {GIRL!!} in January.  I get to be a Glam-maw....I am so excited about my new title!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tackle Football

My youngest and smallest son decided he wanted to play tackle football this fall.  I was less than thrilled.  He weighs next to nothing and his arms and legs are so skinny!  He is playing in the 3rd/4th grade tackle league, and has never played organized football before.  He is playing with kids that have been playing for 4-5 years already.  We have had several practices and one game so far.  I hope this season goes very quickly.

Last night at practice, it was very cold and rainy.  I was wearing a jacket {in August!} holding an umbrella at a picnic table reading a book.  I'm sure I looked like the biggest book nerd ever.  And I forgot to bring water or gatorade for my kiddo to drink during his two hour practice.  Of course, I didn't forget my diet coke.  So every break, Devin would run over to me, hold the umbrella while I unsnapped his chin strap {it's harder than it looks}, then guzzle some diet coke.  Mom of the Year Award for me.

After practice he kept saying his right knee hurt, but he wasn't really sure why.  When I woke him up this morning he said it hurt really bad.  So what does a nurse mom do?  Give him some motrin, wrap it up in an ace wrap, and send him out to the bus stop!  2nd Mom of the Year Award for me!  I did tell him if was still very painful after school, we would go to the doctor (they get home at 2:45, so we would have had plenty of time to get an appointment).  After school, he said he felt fine.  We took the wrap off, and he's outside riding bikes with his twin brother. So hopefully that's the worst of our football injuries this season.  But I'm not holding my breath!!!

My son is #2!  Go Buckeyes!!