I decided to talk a little bit about the TV shows I'm currently watching. Keep in mind I only watch TV while I'm exercising on the elliptical machine at my house. Right now I'm doing 38 minutes every day, so I can get through about an hour's worth of TV (fast forwarding through commercials) during a workout. Here's what I've been watching lately.
1. The Biggest Loser. This new season is all about former athletes (who have "let themselves go" in the words of my 13 year old son) getting a second chance. I cried about 7 times watching the first show! Seriously I don't know what makes me so emotional watching this show, but thankfully I have not fallen or injured myself while crying & working out. I really really like the new trainers, especially the girl....can't remember her name. One of the things she said was that you either operate out of fear or love. Everything you do, every choice you make is either out of fear or love. Wow! Deep deep words that I really liked!
2. Extreme Weight Loss. I recorded several of these episodes during the summer and finally got around to watching them. To be honest, some of them I couldn't really get into, so I couldn't make myself watch the entire episode. But there was one gal named Georgeanna Johnson who became my favorite EWL contestant ever. She started a really awesome website called FIT is WELL, and I have really enjoyed reading about her journey.
3. Fixer Upper. This is an HGTV series based in Waco, Texas. A really awesome couple (Chip and Joanna Gaines) takes really old houses and renovates them for really fun couples. Some of their projects are monster undertakings. And their style is just incredible. I am ready to move to Waco, Texas and start stalking them. Just kidding. I do love this quote that Joanna put in one of the new homes. TODAY IS A GOOD DAY FOR A GOOD DAY. Yes it is!
4. Parenthood. This one makes me a little sad, because Parenthood is going to end. I have been a faithful Parenthood watcher since day one. I have laughed, cried, gotten mad, and wished I was a Braverman all in one episode. I am sad to see this show end. So I will have to cherish each episode this final season. I'll probably be crying while I watch this show too.