Thursday, October 30, 2014

Stuff and Things...

This is my first time to join a linky party with Stuff and Things.  It's been a long time since my last post.  So here goes as many random things that I can think of.

Sweet boy {aka Zac the dog} spent 10 days in the kennel while we were in Florida for Fall Break.  The day after we picked up Sweet Boy he started hacking like a chronic smoker.  He hacked for a week, then we finally took him to the vet.  Symptoms:  dry, barking cough {sounded like a seal}, hacking up white foamy junk, wouldn't eat, not acting like a normal puppy.  Diagnosis: kennel cough.  Treatment: steroids and antibiotics.  Cost: $106!!!  He's pretty much back to normal and proceeded to chew up an Under Armour sweatshirt tonight.  Sweet boy is not so sweet anymore!

I love, love, love to read outside on a warm, sunny day.  I'm pretty sure this week was my last day to do this for a very long time.  We have a freeze warning issued for tomorrow night.  My husband wants to bring in our wood burning stove this weekend.  Beautiful warm days are pretty much over.

A friend of mine whom we carpool for basketball with sent home a container of homemade chocolate chip cookies with my son after practice.  They were so good and reminded me why I don't bake very often.  I love to eat them too much.  This time I only ate 1 cookie because we had lots of boys over at the house that day and they gobbled them down.

I have been reading a very interesting book called It Starts with Food by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig.  Let's just say there is a ton of information in this book!  I've taken nutrition, biology, and chemistry classes, but don't remember any of the things they talk about in this book.  A few of the girls I work with are considering the Whole30 program.  I know I've got to do something because I have a ton of clothes that no longer fit.  I loved this quote in the book.....  
At some point, you will have to weigh the fleeting pleasure of a slice of pizza, pint of beer, or frozen yogurt {or homemade chocolate chip cookies} against one or more of these scenarios.

*I'm not there yet!!!*

Last thing....I am so excited about the time change this weekend.  When my kids were little, I dreaded the time change twice a year.  Now that my kids can fend for themselves, I love it when we fall back and momma gets an extra hour of sleep!!