Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Updates (aka It's Been a While Since I've Blogged)

It's winter here in Indiana.  We have been blessed with a very mild winter until the cold and snow hit us on Saturday night.  Since then it's been freezing cold, snowy, and icy.  I had to drag out boots, gloves, hats, and real winter coats.  We have seriously been wearing jackets and vests before this weather hit!  We've already lost gloves and discovered boots from last year don't fit.  Who's ready for spring?!?  This girl!

I realize it's been a long time since I've written anything, so I thought I'd explain what has been happening around here...

1.  Basketball.  I have a freshman playing school ball and a fifth grader playing travel ball.  We go to lots of games and practices.  I am so looking forward to when my oldest son can drive!!  I have kept track of how many books I've read for the past few years.  This year I am going to keep track of how many basketball games I watch (and think of all the time I could be reading.....sigh!).

2.  Work.  I bit the bullet in November and officially picked up full time hours (36 hours/week) at my real job.  Lots of factors went into this decision, and so far I am surviving.  I've been blessed to work part time since my oldest son was born (except for a brief time when we moved back to Indiana), so I really have nothing to complain about.  Kids just keep getting more expensive each year.  I remember thinking I could not wait to get the twins out of diapers because we would save so much money!!  Oh how I wish the days of diapers were still here.  Not really, however, sports fees, school lunches, big kid shoes, and feeding growing boys really adds up!

3.  Whole30.  I started another real round of Whole30 this month.  I tell myself I eat this way about 90% of the time, but the month of December sure did a number on me.  It started with a cookie day we had at work (everyone brought in their favorite Christmas cookie to share), then went downhill from there.  I may or may not have eaten an entire container of pumpkin pie ice cream.  Then I decided I had to consume some Reese's Trees, even if they were not shaped like trees (who cares?!?).  Then for about 2 weeks I ate whatever the heck I wanted.  Now that I'm back to Whole30, there is a LOT more food prep, which takes a lot of time.  But is definitely worth it!

So that's what has been happening around here, and what I'll be doing the rest of this month!  So who knows when I'll write again.