Monday, May 29, 2017

May is almost Over!

I cannot believe May is almost over.  Another Indy 500 is finished.  School is out for the summer.  Let the fun begin.  I have lived in Indiana for 37 of my 42 years of life and have been to zero Indy 500 races.  Growing up, this was never anything anyone in my family did. I've learned there are racing families and there are non-racing families.  I definitely am the non-racing family variety.  Fun fact, my sister married into a racing family (I did not), and my 16 year old son has been to several races with her son.  Maybe one year, I will go with them.  Just to say I've attended...I think one race would be enough for me!

I just wanted everyone to know (in case you don't follow my Instagram, which you totally should) that I did in fact finish the mini marathon with my best time ever.  2:39:17!!!  My average mile time was 12:08/mile which I was so excited about after training on the treadmill with a 12:00 mile pace.  The weather that morning was very looked like lots of rain would be happening.  However it ended up being a great day, and I ran most of the race with a rain jacket tied around my waist.  This year is the best I have felt before, during, and after.  I think my training and doing the Whole30 helped me.  I finished 36 days of Whole30 to get me to race day, then the next day we celebrated Mother's Day a week early where I ate a giant piece of cake at The Cake Bake Shop.  It was well worth it...not one single regret!!  I really believe eating Whole30 changes a lot of things for me including my attitude and how I feel in general.  So my plan is to stick to Whole30 for 99.9% of the time.  I did add sugar-free creamer to my diet (I know...chemicals and such, but it's so good!), and I plan to allow myself one treat on the weekend.  So far, so good!!

So what's next for me?  I want to continue jogging 3-4 miles twice a week.  The boys really want to do a 5K this summer, so I am planning on signing us up for one.  They also want to join the jr. high cross country team, so they will need to also jog/run each week.  I keep telling them they are not going to be lazy all summer!  Hopefully they will read some?!? (which can be very painful to enforce)  And does the amount of toilet paper consumed during the summer quadruple, or is that just at my house?!?  I'm thinking of ordering toilet paper on Amazon because I'm afraid we will run out.