Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why hasn't Charlie scored a point?

This Saturday was our 4th basketball game of our Upward league. We are halfway done! Noah has scored 2 baskets in 4 games. Better than last year! The team we played on Saturday has a little boy named Charlie. He is the shortest kid on his team. The whole 2nd half his team and our team desperately tried to get Charlie to score a basket. We were all cheering for Charlie! After several attempts, Charlie never scored, but not for lack of trying. When we got in the car, we started explaining the whole situation to Noah.

So the rest of the weekend Noah would get really quiet, then ask "why hasn't Charlie gotten any points?" or "I wonder if Charlie will score next week?" or "I sure hope Charlie scores before the season is over!" This is the kind of heart my six year old has. This is the kind of heart I want to have. Because more times than not I am the person who doesn't want the "Charlies" in my life to make a basket. I get jealous. I compare myself to others. I want to score the points and not watch someone else. I pray that my sweet son will always have a heart for others and I pray I can be more like him!


My name is Michelle. said...

What a beautiful thing to write about your Noah.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet heart your son has :)
Thank you for participating in my contest :)
Blessings to you and your family.