I became a mom 3 different ways...all unique and amazing stories. I have a grown daughter and three teenage boys! I am an OR nurse by day & sports mom on evenings, nights, and weekends. I am also Glammy to 2 precious baby girls! I'm doing my best to embrace and enjoy the current season of life without thinking too much about the past or worrying about the future. One thing I know for sure, the seasons are always changing!!
Denise- Hi! Your boys are getting so big, and they are SO cute! Enjoy these last few days of summer! I'm definitely not ready for fall! I'll miss the time with my baby girl. Are you going to Wellivers Sunday with the PCCC bikers? I'm not sure what I want to do.
What a great way to end the summer. Where did it go anyway? I've heard great things about the Lodge. How was it?
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