If you really want to kick start your goal and cannot wait for the book to arrive, check out this article.
This post is part of the KCWC BLOG TOUR. Leave a comment to be entered into a drawing for a Deluxe Starbucks Gift Basket!! (a $62 value)
I became a mom 3 different ways...all unique and amazing stories. I have a grown daughter and three teenage boys! I am an OR nurse by day & sports mom on evenings, nights, and weekends. I am also Glammy to 2 precious baby girls! I'm doing my best to embrace and enjoy the current season of life without thinking too much about the past or worrying about the future. One thing I know for sure, the seasons are always changing!!
Hey Denise- I want to meet you too!. Thanks for sharing about THE ME PROJECT!
Will you be at the MOPS convention?
Sounds like a great book!!
Denise, I might share the Starbucks coupons with someone I love. I hope you go to the next convention and meet Kathi in person. GG
Well, I wasn't planning on going to convention but now......:) SB
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