I cannot believe it is April already. 2011 has flown by. Summer will be here before I know it. Last week was the boy's Spring Break, so we took off to St. Louis for a few days. We were excited to get away and enjoy a change of scenery. The boys were so excited to swim at the hotel pool. They all said that was their favorite thing! Here are a few of my favorite things from the trip.
1. The Arch! Sadly they were sold out of tickets to ride to the top by the time we arrived at the arch. I didn't know you can reserve tickets online in advance. So now we have an excuse to go back to the city.

2. The St. Louis zoo. It was a great zoo and the admission price (free!) can't be beat. Every move was strategically planned by the boys.

3. This boy turned 10 while we were away. I cannot believe I have a 10 year old. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. 10 years goes really fast!!

4. My husband decided I needed to be in a picture with the boys because I'm always the one behind the camera. So the one picture I actually get in, all three of my boys decide to make goofy faces. Nice.

5. And lastly a St. Louis cardinal. I love cardinals and my boys have become very good at spotting them and pointing them out to me. We all get excited. St. Louis is also VERY into their Cardinal's baseball team...there were cardinal's fans everywhere! So we all got excited about seeing a real St. Louis cardinal!!
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