*Moose got to ride in an ambulance to Riley Children's Hospital.
*They did emergency surgery only 6 hours after his injury!
*He has a plate and 8 screws holding his femur together.
*He does not have a cast, just an immobilizer.
*He cannot put weight on his leg for at least 4 weeks.
*He has done extremely well considering all he has gone through.
*He didn't eat a piece of candy for 2 whole days! (if you know Moose, you know that doesn't happen!!)
*He has a wheelchair to ride in. He is already learning to steer and turn.
*Right now he's only taking regular Tylenol for the pain and valium right before bed.
Now, if I was able to pick one of my sons to be unable to walk for 4 weeks, Moose would have been last. He is the most active of my children. He loves people and loves to go places. Yesterday I asked him if he needed a drink or food, and his answer was, "I just need friends". Talk about melting my heart! Today he woke up in a good mood, has worked on Legos for a little bit, now he and his brother are playing with Mario Kart on the DSi. If you prayed for us, a big THANK YOU. I think that is what is helping us get through each hour sometimes. I'm trying to enjoy this time at home (really it's too hot to do anything except stay inside) and hopefully Moose will continue doing so well!
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