So I've been going through old pictures on my computer and trying to decide how to organize my photos. I once was a scrapbooker. Back when I had time to work on scrapbooking. Now I'm doing good to get the kids fed, homework done, and laundry put up. I found this adorable picture of two very little boys and had to share. They grow up fast!

I have also been working on
MOMSnext. We are starting this awesome ministry at our church this fall. Sadly I graduated from MOPS last spring, but this is a whole new exciting world for me. September 28th is when the fun begins!

Several weeks I posted about
Dalton breaking his leg. Last week he went to the doctor, got re-xrayed, and all his restrictions were lifted. He can now walk, run, bike, jump, fight with his brothers, and climb on the counter to reach the candy. All of which he did the first day.

Have you seen the website
PINTEREST? Oh. My. Word. I don't even know how to describe it. It's like a digital magazine with the search option. Are you looking for a yellow front door? They have pictures. Want to plan a barn wedding? They have pictures. I love pinterest!!

And lastly I did a little dance in the dairy section at Aldi last evening! Why? Pumpkin spice creamer is back!! And you know what that means? Candy corn, pumpkins, apple pickin', mums, sweatshirts, and Fall!! LOVE IT!!

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