For those of you who pay attention to details, you will notice that I changed the web address of my blog. You can still type in my old blog address and be automatically directed to the new sight. Or you can type in the new address. Either way gets you here. And either way it's the same ol' blog.
I changed my address for 2 reasons:
1. I read somewhere that you should have a blog title that is easy for people to remember. I think mom3ways is easier to remember than dgpangburn. No one really knows who dgpangburn is (except for my mom, dad, siblings, and Indiana University....where I graduated from).
2. And these days, dgpangburn doesn't really describe me all that well. Mom 3 ways is definitely a better description. I always joke that I have became a mom every way possible. This makes me a little different than most moms, but I am okay with that. I have four great kids who I wouldn't trade for anything. And I am proud they all call me mom!

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