It's been quite a week here. We have been battling bugs of the head nature. I thought (wrongly) that because I have 3 boys, I would never have to worry about this. Boy, was I wrong. What started out as an innocent "What's in your hair?" while I was standing over my boys brushing their teeth, turned into an all out laundry fest. I think I have washed every coat, sheet, pillow case, and towel we own at least twice. Heads have been shampooed and hair has been picked over. I am hoping we are at the end. Then yesterday, we had an iPad tragedy. A fall from the lap turned into a crack which turned into tears. Lots of tears. So I meant to post this Thursday night, then Friday, then Saturday. So here it is.
The last challenge for The What's for Dinner Solution is to talk about my favorite kitchen appliance. Hands down, ny answer is the crockpot. I love being able to toss a few items in the crockpot in the morning, then not having to worry about working on dinner when I have kids to pick up, homework to help with, and fights to break up.
There are several great websites for crockpot cooking. One that has shown up on Pinterest several times recently is A Year of Slow Cooking. Another one a friend/Pampered Chef consultant told me about is Crockin' Girls. Both of these have some really good recipes if you are tired of the same old meat & potatoes dinner. Enjoy!

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