When I found out the Pioneer Woman (PW) was going to do a book signing in Indy, I really really wanted to go. I have read every single one of her books (including the one about Charlie the Ranch Dog). So today at noon I called Kroger (the grocery store where her book signing was taking place), and the information I got was 1. It's crazy here. There are people already lined up. 2. You have to get a ticket to get in the book signing line. 3. Getting a ticket does not guarantee you a book signing. So I got all discouraged and called my husband to tell him not to come home early. I cancelled my trip to see the PW.
I had put a post on Facebook a few days ago asking if anyone wanted to ride with me, but didn't get any takers. She said she was reading Facebook in the Kroger aisle and just happened to see my post.
So now I had a dilemma! What to do.....So after about 3 minutes, I called my husband back, got my stuff together (I even remembered my camera), slathered on some deo (it's so hot here!), and raced to the Kroger. I only got lost once (not really lost...I just went way out of my way)
So my friend, her daughter, and 2 other friends graciously got me a ticket to get in line (they waited over 4 hours!), let me get in line with them (in the pickle/olive aisle), and no one behind us in line got nasty. They were all nice and friendly! So when the line started moving at 4 PM, it took us about an hour to finally get our first glimpse of Ree. She was there in all her country cuteness. She tried to get my friend's daughter to laugh by doing her monkey face! Who knew The Pioneer Woman could make such a great monkey face?!?
I was able to get my cookbook signed and get a quick picture and hopefully I didn't say anything stupid. If I did, I'm sure she forgot after meeting all the hundreds of people in line after us.

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