Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Can't believe it's 2015!!

I cannot believe 2014 is over.  It feels like it just started in some ways.  And in other ways it feels like it was a long year!  In 2014 I blogged the fewest times {only 18!} of any other year.  I started this little blog in 2007, and I had no idea that eight years later I'd still be here.  It seems that lots of other bloggers are writing about the fact that blogging is dying.  I don't really know if blogging is dying, nor do I really care!  I just know I post more pictures on Instagram than anywhere else, and that I rarely post {I mostly stalk} on Facebook.  My teenage son says Facebook is for the old people.  So who knows where I will be in the next 8 years?!?  Or the next 8 months or weeks or days!

I am starting 2015 by doing the Whole30 program for the month of January.  I started on January 1st, after eating like a crazy woman for the whole month of December.  I felt awful pretty much the whole month.  But it is so dang hard to say no to buckeyes, pitch-ins at work, food at parties, and all the deliciousness that surrounds the time from Thanksgiving to New Years!  Today is day 6 and I'm still hanging in there.  I've had lots of vegetables, meats, and fruits.  Cashews and Larabars are my 2 new best friends!  And I've been drinking more water than usual because that's pretty much all I can drink.  I miss my Diet Dr. Pepper.  And cereal.  And all things chocolate.  But I can do this!!  I'm definitely not going to turn this into a diet blog.  But I may be talking about food more because I'm starving {not really!}.  Saturday night I did dream I ate a breadstick and two pieces of pizza, then remembered I was doing Whole 30.  Thankfully it was only a dream!

The kids are back in school.  We had a normal day Monday.  Then a 2-hour delay today.  And tomorrow the wind chills are supposed to be -20 to -30.  So who knows what the school  day will look like tomorrow.  I'm thankful for my wood burning stove for sure in January!

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