Thursday, February 5, 2015

Just a few things

Have you watched the Jimmy Fallon Saved by the Bell reunion yet?!?  If not stop right here, go to Facebook, because it will be all over your newsfeed, and watch it!  (Then come back here and continue reading!)  I remember my Saturday mornings would revolve around what time Saved by the Bell came on tv (this was way before DVRs).  I loved Zack and Slater and wanted to look like Kelly Kapowski so bad!  I did not go to public school except for one year (2nd grade), so I had to live vicariously through this show.  It's funny to walk into our living room and see my kids watching reruns of Saved by the Bell.  

When I blabbed on and on about Whole30 in my previous post, I totally forgot to mention Ryan from loved & lovely.  She really is the reason my friends from work and myself decided to do this.  My work friend showed me her blog a while back (she and Ryan have little girls the same age).  Then Ryan went Whole30 for a while and had great results.  She even sold some clothes that no longer fit her (and yes I bought a few things and no I am not a stalker!).  So watching her success is what prompted us to try it out.  Ryan also started a Whole30 private facebook page.  So we got to meet a few new people and encourage each other to stay strong for the 30 days.

I am now on my Whole30 month #2.  After taking a free day on Saturday, I jumped right back on the wagon February 1st.  My free day food consisted of a Greek yogurt (I missed yogurt so much, and it was really yummy!) for lunch.  Then at dinner (which was at Max & Erma's), I ate a few chili cheese fries (they hurt my gut within minutes), then I finished 2 of my kid's ice cream sundaes with weird toppings (and my stomach hurt the rest of the night).  The one thing I did not try was Diet Dr. Pepper....I kept thinking I would stop at a gas station and get one but never did.  Guess what I'm drinking on March 3rd?

So all this talk about Whole30, I promise my next post will be way more fun.  I'm going to talk all about my grand daughter who was born December 25th and post tons of cute pictures!!  And yes I'm a 40 year old grandma Glammy!!!

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