Thursday, August 11, 2016

Summer is Over!

Am I the only one that feels like June and July lasted 5 minutes each?!?  It's crazy how fast the 2 months went.  The boys felt the same way!  We did not take an organized family vacation this summer.  We have plans to travel for fall break in October.  They did get to go to Kentucky twice for a long weekend, but other than that we stayed close to home.  I picked 2 pictures for each boy to describe their summer.
 Row 1.  We went to the public pool quit a bit this summer.  My 11 year old twins begged me to let them ride their bikes by themselves to the pool, but I didn't think they were ready for it. They did however convince my mom that I let them do this, and they got a free day of swimming while I was at work.  We watched lots of NBA playoffs in June.  I have a huge Steph Curry/Golden State Warriors fan, and he was very upset when the Cavaliers won the playoffs.  He found his brother's shirt, and we staged this picture to text him.  (No actual Cavalier/Lebron James shirt was harmed in the making of this picture)

Row 2. My middle son had a summer of soccer.  We played a few games then a weekend tournament in June.  It was the hottest weekend we had (so far), and we sat in the hot, humid weather.  His team ended up winning the championship game (by default...the team they were supposed to play didn't show up.  They did go undefeated, my son scored a goal (I may have knocked over my chair cheering for him), and it was a great end to their season.  After bringing home a recipe book from the library, I asked him to pick out a recipe to make. He picked homemade strawberry shortcakes, something I had never made before.  This was the shortcake dough which ended up tasting just ok.  Not a favorite dessert by any means.

Row 3.  My oldest son cleaned out his closet and sadly he threw out his rock and fossil collection.  It made me a little sad to see these in the trash pile.  He used to be into rocks, fossils, and sea creatures big time.  Lots of time collecting and researching and it's all over.  One weekend the twins were gone, I took him and a friend to an indoor rock climbing place (Climb Time Indy), and they had lots of fun.  This was how he felt after an hour at the place.  

And now that their summer is "officially" over, they are almost done with 2 weeks of school.  Only 7 more weeks until fall break (not that we're counting or anything)!!  I had to go to work their first day, so I was sent these pictures.  Not too bad!  We are going to kick some sixth grade and sophomore butt!!